Monday, April 14, 2014

#3 Post: Revised Summary/Plan/Update

I used survey monkey to design and administer my survey. My survey link is The design of my survey is as follows:
1) Which category below includes your age? - various choices
2) What is your gender? - male; female
3) What is your approximate average household income? - various choices
4) How relevant is the Feminist movement today? - Extremely relevant; Very relevant; Moderately relevant; Slightly relevant; Not relevant at all
5) In your experience, are women given equal opportunities and salaries in the workplace? - Frequently; Sometimes; Never
6) In your experience, are women discriminated against in daily life? - Frequently; Sometimes; Never
7) In your home, what is the balance of responsibility for household management (includes cleaning, cooking, childcare) - Women perform the majority of the household management; Men perform the majority of the household management; Women and men perform equal amounts of the household management
8) What industry would you pick as the least equitable in their treatment of females workers? - Military; Government; Construction; Healthcare; Financial; Services; Education
9) What is the highest level of job do you think it most possible for women to aspire to and achieve today? - Administrative; Line worker; Supervisor; Mid-level management; Corporate level management
10) Choose the phrase you would use to describe women’s intelligence. - Women are better at creative subjects in general rather than mathematical and scientific subjects; Women are just as intelligent as men in all subjects and areas- depends on the person; Women are better at mathematical and scientific subjects in general than creative subjects

My prediction was that the majority of women would think that feminism is still relevant today and that the issues that feminism tries to deal with and solve are crucial issues for the modern world. I thought that although a portion of the men taking the survey may find some feminist issues as relevant today, the majority of the men will find the issues to be irrelevant and find the feminist cause to be outdated.
So far the data from the survey is supporting my theories. On average, the women who took the survey responded in a way that supports my hypothesis. Women more often responded that women are not treated equally today and that there is still discrimination against women taking place. They all felt that women do all the household management and that women are equally intelligent. Men did not all answer that feminism is not relevant, but they did not find it as relevant as women so far. The older they were, the more they thought that feminism was not relevant, that women were paid equitably, and that they should not aspire to jobs higher than supervisor or middle management. Younger men tended to think that women are the same intelligence wise. So far the data shows the construction industry is the one most likely where women are not treated as equals. The reason would seem to be that this is a traditionally male industry and requires strength and endurance. Most people believe men are better at those things.
I continue to believe that there is a need for the Feminist movement today. A large portion of men and even some women believe that women should not aspire to Corporate level jobs. A majority of the respondents think that women are frequently treated equally on the job. Most people responded that women are discriminated against only sometimes. The reality is that women are still paid less than men and are given a much smaller portion of the Corporate level jobs than men. People still believe they have different brain capacity than men. A resounding majority believe that women handle most of the cooking, cleaning and child care. The data shows that equality is far from present and that there is indeed a fairly long way to go to reach it. Some men and even some women do not even want true equality of men and women. There needs to continue to be effort to bring about social change to alter these mindsets that have been in effect for so long.

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