Sunday, April 6, 2014

#2: Strategy/Plan for Research

I have decided that I will use the survey method for my topic of feminism. I plan to have an online survey through google forms. I am going to ask many of my friends and family to send it to all of their Facebook friends so that I can get a variety of different people influenced by their different societies and backgrounds. This means that I will allow answers from all ages, but I am really going to focus on ages from 18-60 from both men and women. I will begin by stating that the survey is completely anonymous. It will begin with the following questions: 1. What is your age? 2. What is your gender? 3. What state do you live in? 4. What is your household income? (the choices will be: 1) $0-$20,000, 2) $20,000-$50,000, 3) $50,000-$100,000, 4) $100,000-$200,000 5) over $200,000). After these questions, I will have 6 questions about what feminism means to them and whether or not they think that the issues that feminism tries to address are still relevant today. My prediction is that the majority of women will think that feminism is still relevant today and that the issues that feminism tries to deal with and solve are crucial issues for the modern world. I think that although a portion of the men taking the survey may find some feminist issues as relevant today, the majority of the men will find the issues to be irrelevant and find the feminist cause to be outdated. This survey will be a great way to find out what people really think of women and their role in society today.

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